Northern California Grooming Academy

It is the mission of Northern California Grooming Academy (NCGA) to cultivate outstanding pet grooming professionals with mastery of core fundamentals, safety, and kind integrity of animals. At NCGA, we are dedicated to providing the ultimate pet grooming education where each curriculum will be taught in a detailed and personalized environment. Upon course completion, each graduate will be competent and possess the confidence to make a mark in the world of the pet grooming industry

The IPG Grooming School Approval and Pre-Accreditation program is a facility and industry best practices approval. Approval follows current industry standards of health, safety and handling, sanitation, customer service, curriculum, graduation requirements and instructors. Our program offers an Approval and Pre-Accreditation to Grooming Schools worldwide.
Potential students will seek out these facilities knowing their qualified instructors are certified professionals whose primary concern is demonstrating and teaching the compassionate treatment and safety of the animals in their care while teaching safe and effective grooming and styling techniques using approved teaching methods and materials.
Below, see a summary of requirements to be an IPG Approved School. If you are ready now, apply below! If you are looking for help starting a school, we are here to help, with curriculums, course materials and more.
Contact the IPG Approved School Affiliate,
MYKE ROSS, ICMG myke.ipgicmg@gmail.com
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