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Track 1. IPG Foundation Certification

Certification & Testing for Safety, Care and Sanitation

IPG was the first association to offer Safety Certification in 2014. This is a revolutionary new certification for pet grooming professionals. This Track is the foundation of IPG certification and tells your customers and your community you have been tested by qualified certifiers for safety and professional skills.  Your primary concern is the safety of the pets in your care! 

These are stand-alone certificates for ALL groomers and/or pet professionals. If you only get one grooming certificate in your career, this is the one!  Information in these books is thoroughly researched to provide CURRENT BEST PRACTICES.   All information to successfully pass the written and practical exams is included in the books included with each Certification Choice.

There are 3 choices for Safety Certification

*Choose the one that fits you! 

  • Certified Professional Groomer(CPG) For all professional pet groomers

  • Certified Pet Professional (CPP) For bathers, Groomers Assistants, salon owners & mangagers, doggie day care workers

  • Certified Cat Groomer (CCG) For professionals who groom cats--an introduction to bathing cats

Topics covered in all TRACK 1 safety certifications include:

  • Bathing and Drying Areas

  • Equipment Safety

  • The Healthy Pet 

  • Recognizing Illness or Disease

  • Zoonotic Diseases

  • Skin and Hair and How it is Affected by Grooming

  • Safe and Compassionate Handling and Restraint

  • Fleas and Ticks and the Groomers Role

  • Cleaning and Sanitation

  • Groomer and Pet Care Specialist Safety

  • Your Professional Image

  • Code of Ethics

  • Customer Service

El programa Track 1 pepara y reconoce a los peluueros profesionales que manejan a los animales bajo su cuidado de una manera segura y profesional, con estilo y compasion.

Track one prices discounted through October... membership through December 31, 2023

ALL PRICES BELOW include shipping in the United States.  

For Canada or other countries, add shipping with the buttons at the bottom of the page.

The Track I: Certified Professional Groomer --CPG, includes 2 resource manuals, and videos with bonus groomer tips and bathing so you will know what we are looking for! Testing involves:

  • 2 written tests

  • Your evaluation of your bathing and grooming stations

  • A Bathing & Drying pracitical exam on a dog of your choice (with at least 2" or 5cm of hair)

  • A Grooming evaluation of a clippered pet trim (#4 blade clipped with hair growth-no vacuum- or longer)

  • Both practical tests are scored primarily on safety--safe handling and restraint, safe use of equipment, groomer safety

Your practical testing may be by video (USA or global members), live with a certifier or "live" on Zoom! There will be an additional testing fee for zoom or the testing site. 

Ahora disponible en espanol

Track I Certified Professional Groomer package

This includes jumpstart membership through December 31st, Resource Manuals, workbook, written tests, salon photo evaluations and 2 bonus DVD's

Track 1: Certified Pet Professional--CPP  includes a resource manual and workbook, and bathing videos so you will know what we are looking for! Testing involves:

  • 1 Written Test

  • Your evaluation of your bathing and grooming stations

  • A Bathing & Drying pracitical exam on a dog of your choice (with at least 2" or 5cm of hair) for bathers, scored primarily on safety--safe handling and restraint, safe use of equipment, groomer safety

Your practical testing may be by video (USA, global) or live with a certifier or "live" on Zoom! There will be an additional testing fee for zoom or the testing site. 

Ahora disponible en espanol

Track 1. Certified Pet Professional package

For Bathers, Salon managers, receptionists, Day care workers.

Includes IPG 2021 membership, Resource manual, written test, bonus DVD.

Track 1: Certified Cat Groomer--CCG  includes a resource manual and workbook, and 2 bathing videos so you will know what we are looking for! Go to the page on "Cat Certification" for more information. Some groomers may choose to become dual certified as cat groomers and dog groomers. Safety certification is always the first step! Tesing for this track includes:

  • 1 written test

  • Your evaluation of your bathing and grooming stations

  • A bathing and drying practical exam on a cat of your choice. You will be scored primarily on safety and handling of the cat.

Your practical testing my by by video (USA and global members) or live with a certifier or "live" on Zoom. There will be an additional testing fee for "live" testing.

Track 1. Certified Cat Groomer

For cat bathers and groomers.


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Business Name (optional)

Business Address (optional)

Business Phone (optional)

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Email Address (Very Important)

Track I Modules

I agree to abide by the Code of Ethics of International Professional Groomers by writing my name here

*If you have completed your previous Salon Details testing, you may upgrade to CSP and CPG for a low fee. We recommend attending a workshop or watching the Salon Certification video

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