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This book is included when you apply to become a certifier, Approved Salon, Approved Training Center, or Approved School.  To learn more about these Approvals, purchase the Approval book now!


ICMG's who are ready to mentor and support groomers seeking certification may apply to become an IPG certifier.  You must have completed all 3 tracks to apply as a certifer.*

We need cat certifiers, also, who complete all 3 tracks of cat certification.


…is available to Salons or mobile units whose owners and employees are safety certified as CPP, CCG, CPG. The facility meets minimum standards of safety, salon set-up, and business practices. Approved Salons or mobile units must renew their Approval each year to standard best practices.


IPG Training Centers are approved to mentor groomers seeking IPG certification.  These centers are operated by International Certified Master Groomers and International Certified Master Cat Groomers.  Training Centers are authorized to host IPG certification events. 


Approved Grooming schools qualify by meeting strict requirements, including Approved Salon, Certified Instructors, written course materials and minimum graduation requirments.

Approved Schools prepare students for IPG certification.


Complete course materials are available for Grooming Schools, Training Centers and Mentors. These may be purchased in single sets or in quantities at a wholesale price.

See listing below or email for more information to:


Once you pay the fees for any of the approvals, a complete application will be sent to you.  The IPG Approvals manual has worksheets to help you complete these applications.

Approval Programs 

Resource Manual

Read about opportunities and requirements for Advanced IPG Approvals before you make an application.  

 IPG Approved Training Center

or IPG Approved Grooming School

The foundation of every profession is a great education system. In grooming, schools fill an important place in the education of future groomers, along with certification.

There is an increasing demand for qualified grooming schools, grooming instructors and mentors. Pet ownership has increased dramatically around the world creating an increased demand for Professional Groomers, Groomers Assistants, Pet Sitters, and other service providers for these pets!

IPG is looking for schools that share our passion for safe treatment of pets and providing great service to pet owner. IPG recommends qualified Approved Schools and Approved Training Centers to help beginning students and advanced groomers!

For more information contact

Myke Ross, ICMG, Approved School Representative:

For IPG Master Groomers and Certifiers who would like to help other groomers prepare for IPG certification

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add shipping to Canada or Other Countries


 Available at a quantity discount to Grooming schools. 

call Linda @ 503-551-2397

Includes Text Book, Workbook, Journal and 3 bathing videos

Includes 2 text books, 2 workbooks, 1 journal and 6 learning videos

 Available at a quantity discount to Grooming schools. 
call Linda @ 503-551-2397

Includes all text books, workbooks, student Journal and Instructor Manual

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